Fat Loss Timeline Calculator

Use the Timeline Calculator below to:

  • Calculate how many days are left until you reach your dream fat loss goal if you lose fat as fast as healthily possible the entire time.
  • Calculate how many calories you need to aim to consume for today to lose fat as fast as healthily possible for your body today.
  • Come back and Recalculate calories every few days for updated calculations to keep losing fat as fast as healthily possible until you reach your dream fat loss goal.
Target Body Fat Percentage(%) Examples

< Male [Scroll] Female >

You can use these example charts to roughly estimate a goal body fat percentage.

You can also use them for now to roughly estimate your current body fat %, before you have the necessary tools to properly measure body fat % accurately. However, you should obtain an accurate body fat % measurement at some point to get accurate results. Read the fully detailed instructions for how to cheaply take body fat percentage (%) measurements on your own at home here: Body Fat Percentage(%) Measurement Guide

Table 1. Difference in time it takes for the Average 40 Year Old American Male and Female to reach their fat loss goals, 1lb/week vs. as fast as healthily possible

Calculator FAQ:

1. Why doesn't Activity Level factor into calories burned?

Physical Activity for "Burning Calories" is a Myth

Citation: “Why exercising doesn't always mean you burn calories- BBC REEL” YouTube, uploaded by BBC REEL, 14 Jan 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnKrQXt44nQ.

2. Does this mean exercise is not important?

Proper Exercise is important for the best physical appearance while losing fat (for both men and women), for overall good health, for reaping the functional benefits of having muscle, and for raising TDEE (meaning you can eat more calories without gaining fat). But exercise should just not be considered a way to "burn" any calories.

1WorkoutPerWeek Exercise Science Explained (For Proper Exercise with just 15 minutes per week)

3. How Accurate are the Calculator Results?

As accurate as the information you provide. If you provide very accurate body weight and body fat percentage measurements, it will be very accurate.

Body Fat Percentage(%) Measurement Guide

4. How does the Timeline Calculator Calculate my fastest healthy fat loss? How does it work? (Detailed Explanation)

Figure 1. Summary of Fat Gain, Fat Loss, & Muscle Loss Produced Depending on the Amount of Calories Consumed in a Day

Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE): This is how many calories (energy) your body needs per day to function. Consume this many calories per day to maintain the same amount of body fat.

Calorie Deficit: This is when you consume less calories in a day than your TDEE. Producing a calorie deficit causes your body to break down tissue, including body fat (which creates fat loss), to get the rest of the energy it needs for that day.

Figure 2. Variable Rates of Fat and Muscle Loss Per Day Depending on Calorie Deficit


  • The fastest you can lose fast (lbs/week) depends on how much body fat vs. lean body mass you have. (How much body fat vs. lean body mass you have is known as Body Composition, and is measured with total body weight (in lbs or kg) and body fat percentage (%).)
  • To maximize fat loss in a day, you need to consume the correct amount of calories to create your Maximum Healthy Deficit (shown in figures 1. & 2.) for that day.
  • Creating the Maximum Healthy Deficit makes your body break down as much fat for energy as it can in a day before it starts breaking down muscle for energy.
  • To lose fat as fast as healthily possible and reach your final fat loss goal as soon as possible, you need create your Maximum Healthy Deficit everyday.
  • What your Current Maximum Healthy Deficit is depends on what your body composition is currently.
  • Your Maximum Healthy Deficit changes everyday as you lose body fat and your body composition changes.
  • Because of this, you need to recalculate your Maximum Healthy Calorie Deficit (and therefore how many calories you should aim to consume in a day) at least once every few days to continue to lose fat optimally without losing muscle.
  • The Maximum Healthy Fat Loss - Timeline Calculator does all these fat loss calculations for you daily, and additionally calculates how many days it will take you to reach your final fat loss goal

Figure 3. Graph of the fastest healthy fat loss from start to finish for the Average 40 Year Old American Male

  • Figure 3. above shows how fat loss at the fastest healthy rate, achieved by creating the maximum healthy deficit everyday, should look for this example.
  • For this example, the fastest healthy fat loss should be capped at a steady rate for a while at first (for health and safety considerations), then should begin to change on a daily basis thereafter.
  • How many days fat loss should be limited before being changed on a daily basis differs from person to person depending on their starting body composition; it may be right away (day 1), day 30, day 60, or longer.
  • To summarize, if you want to lose fat at the fastest yet healthiest rate possible, you need to consume the right amount of calories to maximize the fat your body can lose in a day before it starts breaking down muscle, and you need to do this everyday until your reach your final fat loss goal.
  • However, what the right amount of calories for you to consume to maximize fat loss without producing muscle loss changes daily as your body composition changes due to losing body fat.
  • The Maximum Healthy Fat Loss - Timeline Calculator does all these fat loss calculations for you daily, and additionally calculates how many days it will take you to reach your final fat loss goal